ROQ FIT is small but capable of high-quality printing

This small machine is capable of high-quality printing and has been built to last for several years thanks to the excellent components used by ROQ.

The ROQ Fit has been designed to standard dimensions and has a maximum production rate of 1,000 pieces per hour, making it extremely efficient, especially for smaller prints or in unusual places such as sleeves. With a maximum of four colours and a maximum print area of 400x500mm, this screen printing machine is ideal for M-Size printing.

It also fits next to your larger car and prints so fast that it can keep up with sleeves, tags and simple prints that you don’t want your main press to handle.


We are the agency for ROQ Screen Printing Machines in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar, Mauritius and Ile de a Reunion. Questions? Contact us.

ROQ.US Tech Tour of the ROQ Fit

More Roq Standart Screen Printing Machines

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